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  • Rocio - Dimanche 6 Janvier 2013 05:48
    Salut. Comme le dit Hush c est quand que l on pourra te voir?(Je sais pas si c est un proble8me dit imoarnftique ou si tu boude, mais sur les deux derniers articles tu n as re9pondu a aucun commentaire. En espe9rant que tu nous dise au moins quand tu sera le0 (car au fond on t aime ♥ (ca fait pas un peu trop gay? Of4))) A bientf4t!maddpareil que pour hush, j y suis tous les soirs (et c est juste un coup de flemme )
  • Slimane - Dimanche 6 Janvier 2013 04:20
    Bonjour,Les photos des marie9s sont vamnreit superbes mais je dois dire que celle du cap canaille est la plus belle que je n'ai jamais vu (et pourtant il a e9te9 photographie9 des tonnes de fois)Bonne continuationThomas
  • Panri - Dimanche 6 Janvier 2013 04:15
    ook ik ben een van de vele die een bezoek heeft gbraecht aan Pe9rouges en er een heerlijke morgen heeft rondgebracht. Heerlijke sfeer, echt aangenaam vertoeven in die gezellige atmosfeer van eeuwen terug. De moeite waard om eens van de autobaan af te gaan GD Star Ratingloading...
  • Alison - Dimanche 6 Janvier 2013 00:32
    Thank you Shella for taking so many weodnrful photos of Anne & Seb's wedding day, I always knew you'd be the prefect photographer for their day and I haven't been disappointed and to think Anne told me she hated having her photo taken!! Thank you also to Anushe for assisting Shella.
  • Auth - Samedi 5 Janvier 2013 23:55
    j'ai mis un moment e0 cmrerpndoe ce qui se passait sur cette image, voir qu'il s'agissait d'une sce8ne de mariage, que les oiseaux venaient d'eatre libe9re9 .le genre d'image qu'on ne peut regarder en 2 secondes, elle m'e9rite qu'on s'y attarde. Le mouvement des oiseaux est hypnotique. Une formidable e9ne9rgie se de9gage.
  • Andrea - Samedi 5 Janvier 2013 22:38
    Cette image est ma pre9fe9re9e de toutes les imegas de Christophe et croyez-moi je les ai toutes vues. Peut-eatre parce qu'il ne s'agit pas d'amoureux, peut-eatre parce qu'on ne voit pas qu'on est e0 un mariage, peut-eatre parce qu'il s'agit d'un homme ( charmant il faut l'avouer ), peut-eatre parce que la larme en elle-meame semble bien re9elle et pas une petite goutte que l'on aurait fait couler, on la voit inonder la paupie8re et couler de cf4te9, peut-eatre parce que cet homme qui pleure semble hors du temps, juste pris dans cet instant de since8re e9motion avec celui qu'il e9treint, peut-eatre parce que cet homme n'affiche pas, comme on peut le voir souvent, une geane e0 eatre vu la larme e0 l'oeil, geane qui se voit donc sur la photo par une attitude un peu honteuse, ou moqueuse d'elle-meame, peut-eatre parce que l'image est encadre9e par cette main qui comple8te la sce8ne et entoure les deux hommes, peut-eatre parce qu'on ne sait pas ce que fait le marie9 e0 cet instant dans le cou de cet homme : lui chuchote-t-il quelque chose ? pleure-t-il lui aussi ?, peut-eatre parce que la lumie8re est douce sfbrement tout e7a.
  • Nihat - Samedi 5 Janvier 2013 20:11
    a0a0a0a0a0a0 This review is from: Beauty : The Invisible Embrace (Paperback) I divesocred John O'Donohue this past year (see my review Anam Cara: A Book of Celtic Wisdom ) and have been working ever since to bring him to San Francisco's East Bay to speak and conduct a retreat. Unfortunately, as I was putting pen to paper to write my review of The Invisible Embrace Beauty, I learned he died in his sleep, January 3, 2008, on vacation near Avignon. He was just 53. O'Donohue was an original thinker, a gifted writer, and a philosopher that fully understood the human condition and emphasized the triumphal power of divine love. Beauty outlines another encounter with the divine. The majesty of beauty is its gracious wholesomeness. The Beautiful unifies feeling, thought, and dream. The book endeavors to mirror this one-ment. This acquaintance coaxes the soul to the land of wonder where the journey becomes a bright path between source and horizon, awakening and surrender. O'Donohue begins Beauty with the the call of beauty; where it dwells; its music; its color; and the joy of its shapes. He then explores imagination (beauty's entrance), attraction (the eros of beauty), and the beauty of the flaw. He concludes with beauty's relationship to death and God. When we lose sight of beauty our struggle becomes tired and functional. When we expect and engage the Beautiful, a new fluency is set free within us and between us. The heart becomes rekindled and our lives brighten with unexpected courage. The cry of our times is to awaken beauty as we feel most alive in the presence of beauty for it meets the needs of our soul. And once awakened, there is a great sense of homecoming as beauty is God. Love of the beautiful is a secret and sacred passion of all as it is embedded in our search for God. O'Donohue has written another Beautiful book that will serve as a reference guide for years to come. For those who want to learn more about John O'Donohue and his literary contribution, I have included a number internet posts made on the event of his death: *I too was touched so deeply by John O'Donohue by his writings which my wife shared with me a few years ago. *I'm very saddened by the passing of John O' Donohue. Though I never had the privilege of meeting him I felt I knew him through his work. He was truly a beacon of light and love. God bless him on his eternal journey. *I am so saddened by John O'Donohue's passing. For over eleven years I have absorbed his books which have made me understand and appreciate my Celtic-Catholic roots. Slan agus beannacht leat. *He was a breath of fresh air and sunshine enfolding wonderful wit and wisdom with a passion for the Eternal. *When I read Anam Chara, I was stunned by how much I was moved by his words and ideas. It was at once comforting and thought provoking. I am so very grateful that John shared himself with the world. *John constantly called us to awaken to the great mystery of which we are apart and to become more and more aware of the intimacy we share with all I am deeply grateful to him for the way in which he affirmed the deep longing with the past, present and future. May we honour him by living our own individual lives as authentically as he lived his. *I have often turned to his writing and recordings for solace and guidance through some difficult times in the last few years and had hoped to go on retreat with him in Connamara this May. *When I heard the news of O'Donohue's death, I cried. His books, especially Anam Cara and Eternal Echoes, were personal favorites. His knowledge of Gaelic and rural Ireland, combined with his philosophical training, gave his writings a special beauty. His poetic perception and spiritual wisdom made his writings a wonder of insightfulness. *John O'Donohue's brilliant and beautiful wordcraft has touched my heart and helped bring about great peace and growth in my life over the last decade. May his legacy of beauty and courage reach far into the future and bless many generations to come. *He brings, and will continue to spread through his writings, a timely, universally spiritual message of interconnectedness and common humanity to a troubled world. *His Anam Cara Celtic Wisdom returned me to that world within that opens us to the universe.
  • Shanice - Samedi 5 Janvier 2013 19:38
    Another clarification: the Presbyterian Record is not fudend or governed by the Presbyterian Church, so church polity doesn't really apply.Also and this is just an observation it seems that you are valuing secrecy above all else. We respectfully take a different view.[]PD Johnston Reply:April 27th, 2011 at 8:50 amAnyone who has been trained as a Reverend should have received enough counselling training to be able to distinguish between keeping secrets and maintaining confidences. There are times when the gospel of grace requires us to maintain a confidence. This is not an ethic one learns in the publish or perish world of journalism school. But it is an ethic we learn from Jesus Christ, who calls us to place the good of others ahead of our own.On the other hand, the Record leadership seems to be valuing independence above all else. The attitude seems to be we will publish what we want about whomever we want however we want and we are not accountable to anyone for our decisions so no one can tell us otherwise. Is that the model we want to set before the world for how Christians treat one another?What good purpose was the Record hoping to achieve by publishing this material? How did this publication advance the gospel of Jesus Christ? How did it promote reconciliation in a troubled situation? From what I have read in the editorial comments in defense of the decision to publish, the decision to publish was self-evidently and obviously good in itself and needed no justification. Andrew Faiz hinted, though, there was some discussion about whether to publish the news report. What pluses and minuses did you consider in the choice? How did you weigh the likely harms and the possible benefits before deciding the decision to publish was the best one?[] Reply:May 2nd, 2011 at 10:54 amReally? Our attitude is we will publish what we want about whomever we want however we want and we are not accountable to anyone? Really? You gauge this from this editorial? From the article the editorial addresses? From the online comments about this editorial? Or perhaps from the other 51 pages in the magazine? Or from the other issues this year and last year and the year before?We published the results of a presbytery's discerning, the process of that discernment and comments from a variety of people involved in the process. It is a discomfiting story. But we didn't sideswipe anybody. All involved were aware and participated.And we did have many discussions around this story. We asked the very questions you have asked: how does this advance the gospel, the kingdom, promote reconciliation? We discussed these ideas and many others, and through the discussions we strove to better understand our jobs as church journalists.It is a complicated story. A recovered memory accusation of events that took place before a person entered ministry. Accusations not tested in criminal or civic courts. Still a court of our church took the accusations seriously and considered them seriously.Presbytery is an open court. Even in-camera decisions are public; though not necessarily the discussion.By not publishing certain stories we set ourselves as censors. In much the same way that officers of the court have to deal with the issues brought to the court, we do as well. It is our job to share the significant events of the church. And we do our best to bring those stories to light. For most times this is a pleasant task. Great initiatives, great sacrifices, great workers tending the garden. Sometimes we have to tell uncomfortable, even disturbing, stories. Have to; don't want to, have to, because they are part of the story of the church. We cannot cherry-pick the stories of the church.And, so over 52 pages you get a rich snapshot of the Presbyterian Church in Canada. And in amongst the great stories the cover story is magnificent we have a particularly dark one.And from this one story are many policies, directions, ideas that we can take away. There is a family in great pain. Is there room in our church to embrace that pain and help in healing? Is there room in our polity for reconciliation and healing? Or is our polity only about process and judgement? And so, if I could shift from managing editor to member of the church: This story can, if we want it to, help us as a church of Christ, heal ourselves, understand our own responsibilities.Good comes from sharing stories. No good comes from censoring stories Christ certainly did not choose the prettier corners of the world. He kept dicey company, went to dark places, met with people in trauma. He healed, he helped, he didn't just judge.[]
  • Auth - Samedi 5 Janvier 2013 18:56
    Salut e0 tous, ce qui me ravit dans vos aventures ce sont ces de9couvertes e9tonnantes de gens et de lieux, les imemnsite9s de9voile9es par les photos de Mali pourraient donner l\'impression d\'eatre vides,et tout d\'un coup une petiote seule, un cavalier et sa grand-me8re, et la montagne magique, avez-vous ajoute9 vos prie8res, invocations ou autres voeux, pour ma part je trouve e7a fabuleux. Merci pour le beau voyage que je fais avec vous. Gros bisous ;;)
  • Ocah - Samedi 5 Janvier 2013 18:42
    Salut,Je ne l ai pas encore teste9e, je n ai pas assez de piles pour l isanntt. Mais j ai de9je0 teste9 ce genre de consoles (notamment l atari 2600). Il faut de9brancher ton antenne et mettre le cable orange de la N20 sur la prise d antenne de ta te9le9.Apre8s tu te mets sur le tuner analogique (si tu as plusieurs tuners dans ta te9le9) et tu lances une recherche automatique.Le videojeu N20 e9met dans la bande VHF. Tu peux changer sa chaine d e9mission via le bouton F2-F4 si la recherche automatique ne trouve rien.